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Decade - Pricing

We're in an interesting position.


Most of the time, when you're looking at software online, there's a purchase option, an "Add to Cart" button or something similar, and you're taken to a page with pricing options and discounts for multiple users and special sale pricing, etc., etc.

If you're looking at ERP system sites, on the other hand, you won't find pricing anywhere.  It's just "not done".

There are some valid reasons for this:

  • ERP systems are expensive

    • While it's not common to read business news stories about successful implementations, it's not hard to find those about implementation failures, and these often take the form of "ABC company writes off $4MM after [XXX] disaster".  Here's a link to a few examples from CIO magazine.

    • It doesn't make much sense to put an "Add to Cart" option on your page if the "entry fee" is larger than even most corporate credit card limits

  • With a fully-functional ERP system, the software price is not, by any stretch of the imagination, all you will be buying

    • Do you need hardware and network upgrades to support the additional transaction load?

    • Do you need other software? (database licenses, external functionality, APIs and libraries, etc.)

    • How about training?  Reading a manual is one thing, but ERP manuals can come in volumes.

    • What suites and modules will you implement? on what schedule?  Who's going to help you plan?

    • Wouldn't this be a good time to implement some "best practices"?

    • We can't forget customizations!  Can't we change the software to fit our business instead of the other way 'round?

Decade is somewhere in the middle.

Our goal is to provide a stable, robust platform for your employees to "take care of the basics" so you can focus on growing your business and improving your bottom line.

It is true that there is additional software required to take full advantage of all of Decade's functionality, but we've done a lot of work to ensure that there are low-cost options available so it won't cost another arm or leg.


Most options in Decade are configurable by the user (or a non-programmer administrator), so creating a new product line, adding a new warehouse or manufacturing plant, splitting off a new division, even buying out a competitor can all be done without any additional programming.

In those rare situations where you do need a programmer or other system expert, we'll help you locate the right partner for the job.

So, having said all that, here are list prices for Decade, as of October 12, 2015:

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